If you are looking for a way to spice up your product photography game, how about some light painting? Photographer Mark Duffy just shared his light painting technique for product photography. Naturally, it involves KYU-6 led light bracelets and some brand new ‘Puma’ sneakers. As Mark mentioned, this video isn’t about general product photogaphy lighting […]
Static and Ben El are popular singer/songwriters in Israel, gathering 100s of millions of views on youtube. For their latest music video, they chose to use KYU-6, as a mood establishing prop. Director Roman Buchatsky says: We wanted to tell a story about a couple. We wanted it to be sexy, but we also wanted […]
Eyal Yassky is a travel photographer and social entrepreneur. For the opening issue of 2019’s EasyJet Traveller magazine, Eyal shot an intriguing story about whiskey-making in Tel Aviv. I asked Eyal to peek his brain about the shoot and share it with the Spiffy Community: A career in Travel photography gets you to… well… Travel. […]
In today’s post, we will go through the bread and butter of interview lighting – the three-point lighting system. At first, we’ll break it down, then we will show some small additions that can make a lot of difference. For the basic lighting we used a Spekular Core Kit split into three lights, and an […]
To be honest, I’m a sucker for symmetry, I love it when things fall into place, and everything aligns, it just feels balanced. It makes me relaxed, but that may just be me 🙂 In this blog post, we will be looking at three different scenes, lighting each scene twice, once with a symmetrical lighting […]