Static and Ben El are popular singer/songwriters in Israel, gathering 100s of millions of views on youtube. For their latest music video, they chose to use KYU-6, as a mood establishing prop.
Director Roman Buchatsky says:
We wanted to tell a story about a couple. We wanted it to be sexy, but we also wanted a broad viewership, so we were limited in how much skin we can show. This is where props, acting, and atmosphere came into play. For example, in one scene, we wanted to express a connection between couples. We used KYU-6 light bracelets as chockers to match the appearance of the couples in the shot.
The fact that the bracelets were so flexible and could display a wide range of brightness and colors – allowed us to give attention to the couples in the scene while having the artists themselves in the center of the frame.
You can check out more of the work on @roms_studios, @roman_buchatsky, and